Receive gifts from your fans privately and securely with your own wishlist link. Also, sell products directly to your fans from your own online store.
Link your custom wishlist or store from your social media accounts
We make sure the products you want are available in your country. Create your free wishlist and start receiving gifts today!
Register now and build your private wishlist with exclusive products available in your country.
How it worksGet ready to receive gifts from your fans. We ship them to you privately and securely.
Get StartedFans never see your address. Your shipping information is kept private and secure.
Finally, sell your custom products to your fans from your own virtual store. We take care of the billing and shipping for you. Private and secure.
Learn More
🔒 Fangift hosts all data on secure servers, guarded by advanced encryption standards.
🔒 We value your privacy – personal information remains confidential and is not shared between parties.